Create a network Topology Setup

Govind Bhardwaj
3 min readFeb 12, 2021

ARTH — Task 14.1👨🏻‍💻

Task Description📄

🔰 If you have three system A , B & C then Establish a Network ( Without Firewall ) in such a way so that A can connect to B & C both , B & C also connect to A but B & C doesn’t have any connectivity to each other.

  • For this I have three system A (IP — , B (IP — , C (IP — -

* All three Systems are connected to same switch with “Host-only adapter” in my Oracle Virtual Box -

Step — 1 Configuration At System B -

(A) Change IP (“” to “”) -

# ifconfig enp0s3

(B) Write Rule For System A ( IP In Routing Table -

# route add -net enp0s3

Step — 2 Configure System C -

(A) Change IP (“” to “”) -

# ifconfig enp0s3

(B) Write Rule For System A ( IP In Routing Table -

# route add -net enp0s3

Step — 3 Configure System A -

(A) Write Rule For System B ( IP In Routing Table -

# route add -net enp0s3

(B) Write Rule For System C ( IP In Routing Table -

# route add -net enp0s3

*Note — some time at B & C both systems for “” network rule creates automatically , so remove this rules -

# route del -net enp0s3

Finally Check Connectivity -

(A) A & B Connectivity -

A & B both are connecting successfully.

(B) A & C Connectivity -

A & C both have also connectivity.

(C) B & C Connectivity -

Now We have created a network Topology Setup in such a way so that System A can ping to two Systems System B and System C but both these systems should not be pinging each other without using any security rule e.g firewall etc .



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